Monday, December 31, 2012

Snow in Texas!

Yes, it does snow in Texas!   Sometimes.

                                          Devin & Holly Beth (my nephew and neice)

Well, today is the last day of 2012, and I'm another year older today.  I am so very blessed with so very much!  Thank you, Lord, for another great year!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

End of Year Postcard

I am still collecting photos of gates for a "Gates of Texas" book, which  my hiker friend, Thimbleberry, inspired me to create.

Tom and I saw a moose the other day!!

This is by far the kindest, sweetest, most wonderful, loving woman in the world, whom I love dearly, my Mom! 

I am so thankful for my Saddlebag women friends!

There is so much history where we live.  This Texas Historical Marker is at the corner of Tex's pasture.

Mary Ann and I went by this Historical Marker the other day, while we were walking.

This is me and Mary Ann, my "walking buddy", who lives near Grand Saline.

There is absolutely no place like home, and Tom and I love our new wood stove!

We have already enjoyed many toasty, warm fires from our wood stove, and winter has only just arrived.  Two days ago when I woke up it was 29 degrees outside, and this morning it is 60 degrees!  Typical winter weather in Texas, which I love, since as most who know me know, I do not like to be cold!  In two more days it will be Christmas, and according to the weather forecast, we may actually see some of that "white stuff"!  What??  Stay tuned!

Monday, December 10, 2012


The month of November has somehow slipped by without me sitting down to write very much.  That doesn't mean I have not been busy, because there has been a flurry of activities around here!

My neice, Carla, holds a special place in my heart.  While growing up, Carla and Candace were more like sisters, than cousins.  I know it has been difficult for Carla, losing her cousin/best friend.  I love having Carla and her kids, Holly Beth and Devin, come visit us!  While Holly Beth is quiet, polite, and such a "little lady" at almost 11 years old, Devin is an 8 year old fireball of energy and inquisitiveness!  Devin loves his Uncle Tom, because Tom will get outdoors and "play", and Tom gets the kids involved in projects outdoors, like pushing over small dead trees and breaking up twigs to use for kindling in our wood stove. Holly Beth and Devin love getting to ride "Tex", while Aunt Erma leads them around.

While I was leading Tex with Holly Beth riding, Devin was running around gathering armloads of cut grass to feed Tex.  Tex loved that!  He would much rather stand still and eat rather than work!
Following their horseback ride, Devin and Holly Beth went scavenging thru our dried up summer garden and found more green tomatoes and some tiny watermelons and a few peppers!  The garden that won't quit; I'll get to make one more batch of salsa! 
You can see some of my Mom's wonderful baked sweet breads there alongside the veggies!  Thanks, Mom!  Delicious breads!
Devin was so proud of this tote full of twigs that they helped Tom break apart.
We enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving at Mom's home with more than 30 family members!  As always, there was plenty of food, fun, laughter, and lots of games played!  I feel so blessed to have grown up in such a large and loving family and we always enjoy our time together.
On the Saturday following Thanksgiving, our family once again made the trip to Rosevine, to bury a loved one.  This time it was to bury my neice, Deborah, and remember her short life on this earth.  The investigation into her murder is ongoing, with several leads, but not solved.  We pray that someone, somewhere, sometime will "talk", and will lead the law officers to finding her killer.
In memory of Deborah Leann Vickery.
Each one of her three children placed a bouquet on her grave. 
I am so thankful that Kerrie and Scott are there to raise Deborah's children as their own.  Since the kids have been living with their Aunt Kerrie and Uncle Scott for almost a year anyway, it made the transition easier for them.  We pray that God will bless Kerrie and Scott beyond measure for their selfless love and care of Stazi, Justice, and Jacob.
Two very special human beings!
Scott and Kerrie
Since I was scheduled to host our Saddlebag's  Christmas Party, a few of my Saddlebag friends come over to help me decorate our little house for the holidays.  I am overwhelmed by their kindness and generosity!  What incredible friends they are to me, and I love them so!  Our house looks so festive! 
"Tex" is totally oblivious to the awesome sunset happening behind him!