Sunday, March 4, 2018

January 2018

Let's see what adventures await us in 2018.

We got a dusting of snow.  I always say that is why we live in Texas so we don't have to put up with this white stuff but here it is anyway.  Thankfully it melted and went away in a day or so.

We had beautiful weather for our 6th Annual Saddlebag Stampede.  These feet are made for walking!
 It was a nice cool day and we had two support vehicles with wonderful friends watching out for us and supplying whatever we needed.
                                               And here we go!
                   This years' course covered about 8 1/2 miles.
I am not sure of the exact total but I think we raised close to $3,000 dollars for the equine charity we chose to sponsor this year with our annual walk, Throw Away Ponies in Farmersville.

On a sad note, on January 12 we had to put my old 31 year old horse Tex down.  For the past year he has struggled with having no back teeth (so no hay), chronic diarrhea, losing his hearing, and after being totally blind in one eye for the last 15 years, he gradually lost his sight in his other eye.  Total blindness by Jan. 12.  Tex had such a good life and I have so many wonderful memories of all the many good years we had together.  He will be missed.

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